A Car Show Week
I had wanted to go to Quicks Tuesday night but for some reason that didn’t happen so when Wednesday evening rolled around I decided I’d go check out the new cruise-in that Russ’ restaurant was sponsoring up in Muskegon. I took Bailey with me and met up with Adam once we got there. It was a small affair, about 30 / 40 cars, but they had the DJ and the 50/50 drawings so they were working on it…We hung out there till 8 and then headed for home.
Thursday night Culvers restaurant in G.H. was having their little twice a month cruise-in and because we hadn’t been around to make one yet we decided to go over there for awhile and get a hamburger. Their get together was even a smaller affair than Russ’ with less than 2 dozen cars in attendance. While sitting there I got the idea to go up to Whitehall Friday night for the cruise / parade from Whitehall, over the river into Montague. I’d been up there to check it out before but never participated.

That plan worked fine and by 5:45 we (Chris had decided to go so Wanda dropped him off at work) were sitting in line at Whitehall high School.

After parking the car we went searching for food. After eating we spent awhile strolling around taking pics and talking with folks we knew. About 10:30 we decided to head out for home as things were winding down.
Saturday was a stay at home day. I got up fairly early but napped on and off until noonish when I decided I could put it off no longer and got up and went to Home Depot to buy some paint and supplies so I could start working on the garage. I spent most of the afternoon and early evening on the ladder and got the whole front side scrapped down and ready for primer before calling it quits and diverting my attention to putting stuff away and sweeping the floor inside the garage.
By the time that project was complete it was time to eat so I fired up the hot rod, grabbed the little lady and we headed up to the Dog and Suds in Norton Shores for a couple chili dogs and a big frosty Root beer. With the neon lights, car hops in short shorts and tray on the window it had a decided 50’s feel to it. After we flipped on the light for tray pickup we headed back down towards home and cruised town once before calling it a day.
I’d decided sometime early in the weekend that cuz I wasn’t going up to camp that I’d do the car show Sunday, even though I was just there for the other one a couple weeks ago. So, I headed downtown about 7ish with Mercury in tow and was surprised to find more cars already there than I thought there’d be there. I parked on the 3rd block, got the display stuff out and then took a hike around once to see who / what was there. I didn’t do much picture taking with Mercury along. Ron, from the car club stopped by too and we spent most of the day shooting the breeze. A handful of folks I knew stopped by to say hi and the time went by quickly. They started giving out the awards about 2:30 and by 3:30 I was on the couch, kicking back. After a nap I made some supper and then hit the Dairy Treat for a hot fudge malt. I finished up the day doing laundry cuz they won’t let me come to work naked……..
This coming week is Coast Guard Festival week and the plan is to get out and about as much as possible to see the sights. We’ll see how that goes.
Time for bed.