Sunday, January 18, 2009


AAAArrrrrggggg!!! Snow, Snow and more damn snow! I don't usually get this sick of all the white crap until the last half of February, but this year we've been getting our asses kicked with almost daily lake effect on top of whatever else is on it's way thru.....The sad thing it's only been about 6 weeks since this all started in earnest, but other than a couple day break after christmas it's been a steady and demoralizing bliltz. On top the tons of snow it's also been colder than hell too....temps this past week have been around zero or below. Unless you're a polar bear there's not much you can do in that kinda climate. Like I've said many times before I need to get out of this climate to somewhere where their idea of cold is temps in the 50's. Somewhere where snow is not even possible. I've been reading alot about New Zealand and the more I read the more it sounds ideal for a variety of reasons. I won't go into them all here but the climate is just one big plus of several that appeals to me. It might be a bit hard to get used to having summer in December but I think I could suffer thru.......
Weather aside the economy continues to suck, dropping like a rock and putting people I know out of work almost every day. I'm not quite there myself but this past week we were put on a 4 day work week "until things improve". Well, not holding out a lot of hope for improvement in the near future I hope the job can hold on that long, otherwise I'll be standing in the same line as a shitload of other folks are these days.
This little blog was started to keep track of my adventures in life, but these days I'm gonna include some of my thoughts on where things are going in this country and planet. It's not a rosy outlook for the simple reason there's too much evil out there and it's winning. One only has to look around a bit with an open eye, a critical thinking capacity and a talent for reading in between the lines to see that we're losing freedoms every day that we've had since this country was founded. The sad thing is most folks don't even realize what's going on around 'em. TV fills their heads full of shit and incapacitates their ability to think for themselves. Not to worry, I'm not going to rant from here on out but I'm going to give you some words/phrases to look up next time you're bored or curious and a couple websites that everyone should at least view once. That should be more than enough for now. I'm sure there'll be more later.
Tri-lateral Commission
Skull and Bones
Federal Reserve
Operation Northwoods
New World Order
Pay attention to what the new, media proclaimed Messiah does in the weeks and months ahead...learn to ask questions and think critically if you want to have a future.
Time for sleep.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Wipping Clean The Slate Once Again

I've been meaning to write a few lines since Christmas, but a lack of enthusiasm for the subject matter and a general malaise has kept me from getting it done. If you're looking for a warm and fuzzy seasonal post I'd stop now.
So anyhow, as far as the holiday season has gone...pretty much lackluster. With no cash really for gifts there was not much point to being out and about in a crush of people at the mall just to wander around. Thanks to the more than crummy weather around christmas we didn't even make the trip to the folks house, opting instead for a future time when the whole damn world wasn't one big snowball. Heck, we didn't even get around to putting up a tree this year for the first time ever. That's not a big deal though...with no little feet around there's not much point to pretending, plus, the wife was headed to Florida the day after Christmas to chaperon the band bus trip to Disney again so there was nobody here but me to deal with it.
The weather for the month of December has been a monster. By the end of the month we'd had 58" of snow, considerably more than our normal 23" amount. There was so much in such a short amount of time that I simply couldn't keep up with the downfall and until we finally caved in and paid for a snowplow to stop by, we had one lane open at the end of the driveway to get out and the rest of it was buried waste high in county snowplow residue. And then, after two weeks of almost constant snow, the day after Christmas it started warning up and by late Saturday it was almost 60° and raining cats and dogs. By the time it cooled off again a day later, most all the snow but the piles was gone and you could see ground again. The downside to that of course was flooding. There was major flooding up and down the Grand River including an area not 2 miles away from the house. We've only had a couple inches of snow since the thaw and I'm hoping that will last for awhile.
I used my last 3 days of vacation from work to have off from the 24th to January 5th. Due to the economic meltdown that the country is in the middle of dealing with, when I go back on the 5th there's only going to be about a dozen folks out on the floor, running production. Not good. We have to generate enough income for the company to keep the place heated and the lights on, not to mention cover the payroll and if that don't happen I'll be on the street again with the rest of what's left of the crew. We also lost one of our 2 biggest customers this past month and they've been busy pulling their dies out of house the last few weeks. The other big customer is GM and that ain't exactly the best deal in town these days....whether or not they get their billion dollar government bailout. I'm not real clear on how this whole thing is gonna turn around, if it ever does, just because we have a new president. From what I've been reading in the money magazines we headed at a high rate of speed back to 1929 again. Except this time we're not 70% rural, it's more like 20% and so there's gonna be more folks that don't have the capability to feed themselves this time around. Not good.
On the "up" side I just started my 57th orbit around the sun a few days ago. Ri and Adam took me out to dinner and a movie to celebrate the event, which was real nice of 'em with me being here by myself and all.......I was back over to their place again the next evening to play Wii and watch the new year come in. That's better done with company too.
Real early this morning, about 3am to be exact, I was at the high school to pick up the wife on her return to the frozen north country. By the time I got to bed it was almost 5am. While she and the kid were gone I was able to get the laundry room floor painted again and over the past week did a bunch of cleaning so the place has less of that white trash feel to it. I also set my drums back up and been beating the hell outa them the last several nights.
I've got no resolutions for the new year. I have hopes, but they're guarded with a fair amount of reality. I don't see things getting any better in the next 12 months, more than likely they'll get worse and my own selfish self only hopes that it doesn't have to effect us here to the point we're not both working. With all the BS the last couple years from the kid and other sources our cushion is pretty much gone and it wouldn't take much of a bump to fall off the edge of the knife.
Like always though, time will tell and I plan to keep on truckin' until they pull the plug. Stay tuned.