Longer Days and Less Time
Well I've been meaning to drop a line or two since Sunday night but I keep falling asleep everytime I sit down in this chair. I either must be under a lot of stress that I don't know about yet or I need to up my thryoid meds another notch or two.
This past weekend was a 1st class spring weekend and I managed to get some things done. Actually been pretty busy since the last entry. Saturday it was suppose to rain but never did. Wanda went up to Mt. Pleasant with her sister to play at the casino for the day so after napping in until about 10 and then making breakfast I went over to Home Depot and bought a new wheelbarrow that I really needed cuz my old one just finally fell apart. Wanda bought it for me, for father's day I think way back when the girls were little and I spent quite a bit of time out in the garden, which is now the dogpen. Anyhow, after the stop at H.D. We (Bailey was my ride along buddy) paid a visit to Dairy Treat which was celebrating it's first day open for the 2008 season. After sharing a hot fudge malt we headed back home and after a bit of wandering around the house I decided to jump in with both feet and clean up the truck from a long, cold and dirty winter. So for the rest of the afternoon I scrubbed and polished, cleaned windows and basically gave it the once over. By the time I was tired of labouring it was 7:00 so I took a break to make some supper. After supper me and Bailey took another ride around town, this time in the hot rod before sunset and after that we headed back home and took it easy until the wife got back home from her trip.
Sunday the plan was to head up to the campground and open up the trailer and get it cleaned up and air'd out for the summer, so that's what we did (Chris went with me, along with Bailey and Mercury). From the time we got there, late morning, until about 6:00pm we were busy cleaning, raking and organizing stuff. Most of my time was spent with the camper. after scrubbing it down from top to bottom I got her cranked up and opened and then pulled out the cushions, cleaned out the cupboards, put up the screen house, hooked up the water to the outhouse, turned on the electric, got the fridge running and a half dozen other things before calling it a day and heading back home. The plan was to go up for the weekend this coming weekend but that might change depending on weather and work. 

This week and last week folks from Brown and Sharpe have been at Burnside, retro fitting my CMM with all new guts to the tune of about 30 grand. Along with the money then spent to get my machine up to snuff I also got a substantial raise a couple weeks ago which was pretty cool. I really hope things continue to go well there cuz I'd really like to stick around for awhile and get that lab running at 100%
Last night we were invited over to Ri and Adams for dinner so we were there with our appetites about 6:30. After dining on some tasty chicked, green beans and a baked potato we spent the rest of the evening playing Wii, Which for those who don't know is interactive computer gaming. We played Baseball, Tennis and some Golf and to play you have to stand there and go thru the motions of the game, swing a bat, or a racket, or a club. While it's probably not equal to a 10K run it is a bit of exercise and quite a hoot.
I guess that's pretty much it for now. If we make it up to camp this weekend I'll probably write soon, if we don't go this weekend it'll probably be next weekend for sure, unless the weather is really suckin'...I'm looking forward to my first nap around the campfire with stars overhead :-)
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