Time to hang up the new calendar
Well, here it is the end of the first day of the new year and the end of the "holidays". It's not a new years resolution or anything but I've decided I'm going to attempt a project that I've thought about for a couple years now but never acted on and no, it's not another diet. For lack of a better name I'm calling it the PicADay project. What I'm going to try and do is take at least one decent pic a day that represents where I am or what I'm doing. Some days, particulary this time of year, it's gonna be tough to snag a good shot. I expect you'll see more than a few shots of my 4-legged friends in the months ahead, but then there'll be days during the warm months when it'll be hard to pick just one shot. We'll see how it works and how long I can keep the momentum up. I got today's shot so that's one down and 364 to go!
Last weeks short workweek went by quick enough without too many problems. We're in the process of painting the lab and sprucing things up. They bought me about 2 grand worth of tables and cabinets to store gages and tooling in and once the reorganizing is done I plan to tie up some loose ends that have been bothering me since I arrived.
Saturday evening we celebrated my birthday a day early by going up to Caminoes for dinner. The daughter of the original owner happened to be there and ended up waiting on us herself. That was cool. We've been eating there since our first date in early 1980 and it still hits the spot 28 years later. We came back home after dinner and hung around for awhile until it was movie time. We headed over to the Cinema 9 to see "I Am Legend". I won't go into the plot but I enjoyed the movie even though it was a bit out of character. Pretty scary in places. Wanda didn't care much for it because of that I guess. There were a couple incidences where we both were leaning back in our seats as far as we could get........We were home by midnight from the show and that was it for Saturday.
Not much happened on Sunday, just hung around the house. Ma and Jennette both called to wish me a happy birthday but that was about it. No cake or anything like that......not that I need a cake anyhow.....the fire permit for 55 candles would probably cost more than we can afford so it's just as well. 

Yesterday I took a drive up to the compound to make sure that everything was still battened down securely. I took Bailey, Mercury and Jasper with me and they had a ball romping thru the 16 inches of snow they had up there. We hung around for a bit, took some pics and then got back in the truck and headed back for home. Probably won't go back up again until I can open the camper or at least fire up the chain saw once the snow is all gone.
I guess that's about it for now. I haven't decided yet how I'm going to present the PicADay shots. Either do it in here, start a new blog just for the pics or start a new folder in Flickr called PicADay. The last one is probably the way I'll go but alittle testing is in order first.
The PicADay project you have has got a name already - Project 365. A lot of people do it on Livejournal.com (another blogging site that I have). Just thought I'd let you know. :P Plus I want to see your pics every day!
I have a flickr album too. Isn't that what you wanted me to get?
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