Another Glorious Weekend @ The Compound
We’ve been blessed again this past week with more beautiful weather, sunny and warm. Thank God for June...if only it were twice as long and twice as frequent.

Last Tuesday evening we decided to go up to Mr. Quicks for cruise night. We hadn’t been up there since the first night, the first week of May and here it is already, the last half of June. We took Belle and Mercury with us this trip and upon arriving we parked in the back, on the grass and set up camp. The first thing we did was head over to Quicks for a couple of root beer floats. Then we strolled around the grounds, checking out the cars in attendance. There was a guy there with an old 1930’s Hupmobile he’d just began restoring that reminded me of Bonnie and Clyde. All that it needed was a couple Tommy guns in the back seat and some bullet holes in the sheet metal. We hung around until they pulled the numbers for the 50/50 drawing and the door prizes and then loaded up the chairs and the dogs and headed back for home.
I got an email from the wife early Friday morning telling me that Quicks had caught fire and burned down late Thursday night. Here are a couple pics to check out. The owner says he’s gonna rebuild and cruise nights will go on. I wanted to go up last night and check it out but it didn’t happen.
The weekend was spent up at the compound again. Wanda worked a half day and took off with Chris late morning. I got up there my usual time, about 7:00pm. We had hamburgers for supper and took it easy. I didn’t start up a lawnmower or grab a rake all evening. We made a trip up to the lodge about 8ish for an ice cream cone but the place was locked up tight and abandoned. So we came back to camp, got a fire going and stayed pretty close to that until I gave it up and went to bed about 1:00am
Saturday morning I slept in until Mercury woke me up. He wasn’t happy about missing his morning walk. I made breakfast after sitting around a bit and then after eating I fired up the lawnmower and did the path to the road and the front yard. That took awhile and it was a warm one so in between chores it was break time in the shade.
Around noontime we decided to head into town for a stop at Home Depot for Quikcrete (mortar) and Bonsers for some groceries. We made a stop at the Desert Barn in Scottville too for some of their good ice cream and then headed back to camp. The rest of the afternoon was spent cruising around in the truck, rock hunting and mixing mortar and stacking rocks around the fire pit. By the end of the weekend it was about half done and hopefully will be finished our next trip up. After dinner, which consisted of pork chops and corn on the cob, we just hung out and took it easy.

Sunday morning I managed to get up early so me, Mercury and Bailey headed out for a early morning walk. We had a pack of turkeys pop out of the woods in front of us that caused some commotion for a few minutes but other than that it was a nice, quiet stroll thru the woods and around the lake. By the time we got back to camp Wanda was up so I set abou
t making breakfast. After the meal I went about working on the back half of the clearing, trying to get it cleaned up and smoothed out so hopefully some grass will grow there again eventually. Wanda and Chris took off a little after 1:00pm and left me and Mercury by ourselves. We hung out, doing some small chores, (well, I did the chores, he slept under the trailer all afternoon) until about 5:30pm and then shut down, locked up and headed for home. It’d been a beautiful weekend, weatherwise and the first one where I hadn’t worked myself to death. We got home about 7:00pm, made something to eat, took a shower, sat down at the computer and that was about it until bedtime.
Saturday morning I slept in until Mercury woke me up. He wasn’t happy about missing his morning walk. I made breakfast after sitting around a bit and then after eating I fired up the lawnmower and did the path to the road and the front yard. That took awhile and it was a warm one so in between chores it was break time in the shade.
Around noontime we decided to head into town for a stop at Home Depot for Quikcrete (mortar) and Bonsers for some groceries. We made a stop at the Desert Barn in Scottville too for some of their good ice cream and then headed back to camp. The rest of the afternoon was spent cruising around in the truck, rock hunting and mixing mortar and stacking rocks around the fire pit. By the end of the weekend it was about half done and hopefully will be finished our next trip up. After dinner, which consisted of pork chops and corn on the cob, we just hung out and took it easy.

Sunday morning I managed to get up early so me, Mercury and Bailey headed out for a early morning walk. We had a pack of turkeys pop out of the woods in front of us that caused some commotion for a few minutes but other than that it was a nice, quiet stroll thru the woods and around the lake. By the time we got back to camp Wanda was up so I set abou

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