A Wintery Easter Weekend
After being in a healthy mental and physical condition most all winter, now that it's spring I've been fighting a bit of a cold the last week so that's why this is a couple days behind. I spent most of last evening wrapped up in a blanket cat napping.
Last Thursday, the 20th, was the first day of spring, but as anyone who's lived in Michigan for a year or more knows, just because the calendar says spring doesn't mean it's gotta act like it and this year was a prime example of where that cynical attitude comes from....Friday, the first full day of spring, brought us a snowstorm and about 8 more inches of the white flufffy shit. I had the day off work so I was down here in the den most of the morning piddling around. About 2:00pm I decided to go upstairs for some lunch and lo and behold it's snowing like crazy. It continued to show thru the rest of the afternoon and into the evening.
Rather than be snowed in on a Friday night we decided to go out to dinner with the brother-in-law and his wife and the music director of G.H. High School and his wife. We got to Red Lobster about 6:00. We had a good meal and a good time and didn't leave to head for home untlil about 9:00. By then most of the snowing had stopped but the roads were a sloppy, slippery mess all the way home.
Rather than be snowed in on a Friday night we decided to go out to dinner with the brother-in-law and his wife and the music director of G.H. High School and his wife. We got to Red Lobster about 6:00. We had a good meal and a good time and didn't leave to head for home untlil about 9:00. By then most of the snowing had stopped but the roads were a sloppy, slippery mess all the way home.
Saturday the sun came out and started melting what had fallen the day before but there was too much around to make it all disappear in one day. We didn't do much all day but hang around the house. The high point of the day was probably getting a haircut or maybe getting the oil changed in the truck, it's a toss up.
Sunday morning I got up and made a quick breakfast for the two of us and then I got my stuff around, grabbed Mercury and headed up North to the folks house for Easter dinner. I made a stop at Big Johns store on the way up to check out some stuff I want to get for the compound this year but didn't buy anything. After a 10 minute stop there we made the rest of the trip to the folks non-stop and got there a bit after 11. They weren't home from church yet so me and Merc took a hike out in the woods.
Between 11am and about 5pm when we took off, we had a good meal of ham, sweet potatoes and rolls with Chocolate pie for desert, spent some time on the computer answering my mother's questions and spent awhile playing catch with Merc to show my dad what a good catch he was. After we said our goodbyes and took off we drove out past gramps old farm, which ain't much to look at these days and then turned the truck towards home. We got back here about 7:00 and the rest of the evening pretty much was spent taking it easy.
In other news...the American Axle strike is still going on and I'm still working so it's still a draw. So far, So good.
Not much else to say so I'll leave ya with a couple pics of my folks, one of me and Mercury and an editorial cartoon that pretty much says it all for me without saying a word. Gas prices this week are $3.38 a gallon. Talk about terrorists......

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