Sunday, February 10, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow.....

It's not like I could stop it anyhow...
We're having some first class winter weather this weekend. something we haven't had in several years if not longer. It started getting windy and snowing last evening, rattling the windows and piling up the drifts while we slept and by the time I got up this morning the world outside had a decidedly artic look to it. During the day today winds have been up to 40mph which gave us wind chills around -25°. The blowing snow was bad enough at times that the houses across the street weren't visible. Not exactly snow man building weather. Even the dogs were only out long enough to do their business before they were barking to be let back inside. At this point, Sunday evening, the winds are dying down and the worst seems to be over although it's still a bit chilly as this intellicast forecast indicates.
and to indicate exactly what the term lake effect means.....this intellicast image from this evening tells the tale.

So much for the weather report.
The only other thing that comes to mind is the issue I had with the truck this past week. Tuesday evening while we were out and about Wanda went to lower the window and it decided it had had enough of the constant up and down and stop moving. No matter how much she or I pushed our buttons to make it go back up it would not move and given the time of year it made for an uncomfortable ride home. For the next couple days I put plastic over it to keep the snow out while parked but going back and forth to work was a breezy affair. I finally got it into the shop Thursday afternoon expecting it to cost me a couple hundred bucks I didn't have and was pleasantly surprised to have to only shell out fifty bucks for a new switch, to replace the one that had burnt itself out. Given the weather this weekend I'm real glad I spent the money to get it fixed.
Time to head for bed now and get ready for the coming week.


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