Milestone Birthdays and Car Shows
Well, here we are almost to the mid point of January already. Not a good sign when the slow part of the year is zippin' right by. The old saying "older you get the faster it goes" seems to be pretty much on the mark based on my experiences of late.For the most part the last couple weeks been quiet and the winter routine has been wake up (duh), go to work, come home, eat supper, play on the computer or watch some TV, or both and then go to bed, later than I should, to start the whole process over again.
This past Friday, the 11th, was the better half's 50th birthday and I wanted it to be a bit memorable so I sent her an Email birthday card to start off the day, followed with a personally delivered bouquet of flowers at lunchtime....the standard, or traditional for the less cynical, 12 Carnations with a single rose sticking out of the middle, along with some greens in a glass vase and this year, due to the number of birthdays involved, I included 3 black balloons that floated above the flowers. I delivered all this to her at work, after she expressly said the night before how she didn't want anybody at work to know about her special day. Whooops, bad me!
I got to the lobby and gave her a call to come up and of course by then she knew something was up. She took it quite well and as luck would have it one of the guys came back from lunch about then so I had to mention to him what was going on and as if I had it planned out in advance he went straight to the intercom and announced Wanda's birthday to the entire plant! Whoooops again! At that point my work there was done so I headed back to the shop to finish out the day.
After work we, along with Ri and the Greens, went to The Texas Steak House and proceeded to stuff ourselves with lot of good chow. Somehow the waitress found out that it was the wife's birthday (hey, stop looking at me!) and unbeknownst to me (1st time we'd been there) after we'd pretty much finished dinner she came out to our table with a sawhorse that had a saddle attached to it. The deal was the birthday girl had to go sit on the saddle. It took a minute or two to convince her that it was the thing to do and there was a threat made about me sleeping in the garage, but she finally got up and went over to sit on the saddle. At that point our waitress stood up on the seat of our booth and at the top of her lungs announced to the entire place that it was Wanda's 21st birthday (good move!) and that everyone should give her a big Yeehaa. So, that's what the whole place was loud! So after that event we settled up the tab and headed back home for a quick break before heading off to the movies to see, of all things, "The Bucket List". Just the flick for someone that's wrestling with being 50 all of a sudden.
It was a good movie, funny / sad with a bit of a message. I'd recommend it as one worth seeing although I wished they'd have added more to certain parts of it. The ending was quite predictable, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
It was a bit after midnight when we got home and the birthday girl was ready for bed. My work was done and I didn't have to sleep in the garage!
Satuday I got up, made some breakfast and then got my camera gear around t
o make a little trip to G.R. to see this year's Autorama car show. I got there about 11 and stayed till about 3, taking pics and shooting the breeze with people I knew and people I didn't know.....watched a little campy entertainment and then, once I'd seen it all, I headed out the
door and back home. There was homemade chili waiting when I got there so I filled up on that and spent the rest of the evening digitizing albums and playing with my websites.

Today was nap day. Again I got up, made breakfast, goofed around downstairs awhile and then crawled into my chair, threw my favorite blanket over me and made up for the lack of sleep I get during the week. When I finally decided to get back up it was suppertime.....geez eat, sleep, eat, sleep..........hey it's winter and it's time to hibernate. I think I'll go do some more of that right now.....another week is only 8 hours away.
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