A Wild Weather Weekend
A Busy weekend! A wet and stormy one too. You know it was a busy one when I can't even recall what I did Friday night! Saturday morning I got up early with the intention of hitting an estate sale in town but ended up napping for awhile instead. It had been a busy, fast week too so it felt good just to stay put and rest the eyeballs.
About noon though the 3 of us headed out to Dave Palmer's house for his "Sounds of Summer" party. He's the guy who runs the "Spread The Music" foundation which donates musical instruments to kids who can't afford them among other things. Anyhow, he was having a mini woodstock at his house out on 152nd by the river for the day and so we went and hung out with Tony and Gigi and Adam and Ri for the afternoon. Some of the music was decidedly amateur but as the day went on the bands seemed to get better and towards the end of our time there, there was a bluesy band jamming up a storm. I would've loved to sit in with them but would've probably embarrassed myself so it was best I didn't.
During the afternoon I ran into Doug Ransom, who I haven't talked to or even seen for several years and so we spent awhile catching up. His youngest boy is now 26 and out in Ankorage Alaska in the Air Force these days. Eveybody's kids grow up fast I guess.....
It had been a breezy day all day, but about 6 the breeze had started to blow in some big ole black clouds so at that point we decided it was time to head out. Me and Chis had decided that we were going to head up to camp so after dropping the wife off at home we loaded up the pine trees and Bailey, put some gas in the truck and headed north. It was dark and cloudy all the way up to camp, but it didn't really rain on us till later in the evening. After we got there we opened everything and got a fire going and just kinda hung out. About 10 or so it did start to rain and we got some pretty good thunder and lightening to go with it, but not as bad as they got at home. Chris went to bed after it started raining, I stayed up for awhile and watched nature's light show until the eyes got heavy.
Sunday morning I got up about 7 or so and decided to go up to the lodge for some pancakes and sasauge. Chris wanted to stay at the camper and sleep so I went by myself and had a good breakfast. When I got back to camp I started in on the project for the day, getting my row of pine trees planted. First we measured to get the spacing between the pine trees and the road correct and then Chris started digging holes. The weather was pretty iffy and it sprinkled on us a couple times which was actually a relief from the gnats that were driving us nuts when it wasn't raining.

It took until almost noon to get the holes dug and the trees planted and then while Chris mowed the west yard I wheeled buckets of water in the wheelbarrow down to the pines until every last one had had a good drink. Then, While he mowed the east yard I laid down the patio bricks from the deck to the outhouse which will make it easier to find your way to the john late at night, not to mention keep your feet out of the mud and water on days like the one we were having at that point. I had 5 extra pines, that weren't really extras and was going to plant them along the south side, down by the corner where there's an opening I want to close when all of a sudden the sky got real dark and opened up on us. Having gotten the bulk of what we wanted to do done at that point we decided to close up shop and head for home. After being bite half to death by gnats and rained on it seemed like a good idea.
We got back home about the time Wanda was leaving for Bingo and for most of the rest of the day I just took it easy and napped a bit, ate some dinner and played on the computer.
the coming week is going to bring Father's day on Sunday & the Charlton Park Car show and unless I change my mind due to finances me and the wife are taking off a half day on Thursday and heading to Ann Arbor for a concert. The Refugees, which consists of Cindy Bullens, Wendy Waldman and Deb Holland should be worth the trip. It may be my only chance to ever see Wendy Waldman live in this lifetime and I'd like to say howdy to Cindy again like we did a couple years ago when she played at the Morris in South Bend with Dan Fogelberg.....
I guess we'll see how it goes......
Hey, I just remembered....I mowed the lawn Friday night. :)
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