No More Teenage Girls....

For Ri's Birthday dinner we had lasagna and garlic bread and of course Ice cream and some of that cake for desert. After dinner, when things quieted down a bit me and Ri took a bike ride for awhile. Cruised around town and then went out North shore road to the end and back again. On the way out there I had to whoa it up for deer in the road. It was sunset time and their time to be on the move.
For some reason I can still recall about every move I made that day in 1988. I got up to go to work and got told by the wife that I should stick around instead so to kill some time I went out and played in the garden. It was the time of year for preping things, getting ready to plant so I was out there throwing bags of leaves in the paths and putting up stakes and string......about 11am Wanda decided she wanted to take a walk on the boardwalk so I loaded her up in the truck and drove down to the boardwalk parking lot. We hadn't waddled more than a couple hundred yards down the boardwalk towards the pier when she decided it was time for another course correction and we started to head back to the truck again. From the boardwalk to the hospital took about 20 minutes and about a half hour after that Ri decided to show up! Good thing we hadn't gotten a whole lot further out on the pier or our water baby would've been born on the boardwalk!
1988 was the summer that we had temps in the 90's for a couple months straight and every night we'd go out to North beach and stay close to the water. Ri was in her baby seat, at the beach, for most of the first 3 months of her life.
Since Tuesday night we've been hanging close to home, trying not to spend any money until the weekend trip up to camp. In anticipation of the trip I went and bought gas last night, now at $4.09 a gallon! 40 bucks is the minimum for a trip to camp now......but I guess that's still fairly cheap entertainment cuz we really don't spend any other money when we're up there, other than groceries and I'm going to be eating wherever I am so that's not an issue.
Anyhow, the plan for the weekend is to go up tomorrow afternoon and have a quiet evening. Saturday the whole gang arrives and hopefully will spend the night. That's still up in the air though....Sunday we'll be back home and Monday is Memorial day and parades. Thats all for's a couple pics to finish with.......
Ethan & Wanda

Now is that one happy little critter or what?
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