The Last Weekend At The Castle for 2008?
Maybe, the weather outlook for the next week or two ain't looking all that good, but we're in Michigan so you never know.....
I've been trying to sit down since I got home Sunday night and write a bit but it's been a blah week and I'm still fighting the effects of the cold or whatever it was.....
It was so nice Friday afternoon, high 70's with lots of sunshine, that I decided to head up to the castle for the weekend. A last minute decision. I packed quickly and was on the road by 6:00pm with my two 4-legged buddies. Because of the time of year by the time we got up there the sun was already setting so I got lights turned on, stuffed opened up and organized, a fire started and then made a meal of baked beans and weiners. After eating it was just a sit around the fire and take it easy kinda evening. We went to bed fairly early cuz it had been a long week and I was beat.
Saturday morning we all got up about 8:00 and took a hike around for about an hour. After we got back I really wasn't hungry enough to make a breakfast so we had some orange juice and oatmeal cookies. After eating and sitting in the warm sun for awhile I grabbed my shovel and headed down to the meadow to finish digging on the medicine wheel. After a couple hours of hard labor I decided to take a break and head up to the lodge for an ice cream break. It was almost supper time by the time I finished the digging part of the project. Now the next step is the put in the seperators and start collecting rocks, either next time this year or next spring.
For supper I had a bowl of canned chili with some bread and butter. After supper I got the guitar out for awhile and did some pickin'. Once my fingers were raw I put it away and spent the rest of the evening next to the firepit listening to Cheryl Wheeler and Randall Bramblett on the Ipod.
Sunday morning we all slept in a bit and it was 9:00am before I started making breakfast of scrambled eggs and corn beef hash. I ate what I could and gave the rest to my buddies.
Then I started working on a different project, the steps from the campsite down to the meadow using some old railroad ties. I went as far as I could with that project (needed my chain saw) and then fired up the lawnmower (after about 50 trys......) did some mowing down in the meadow area for a couple hours. After I was done mowing I sat down in the chair in the sun and snoozed for awhile.
After the nap it was time to pack up, close up and head for home. It was about 6:30 by the time we headed down sippy road for home. It had been a nice two days with lots of sunshine and warm air, beautiful indian summer weather for sure.
And that's pretty much it for now. The weather cooled off monday and now they're predicting highs in the 50's for the next week or two. If the weather is still decent the weekend after this one then I'll spend the weekend camping and then drop down the camper and put everything away until next spring. If it's not nice.....well then it's just pack it all away until next spring.
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