Cooler Days And Hints Of Color
Well, nothing really definite or important to say but thought I'd give a bit of an update on things in general.
Been fighting a lousy cold for the last week or more and it just won't go away. Kinda takes what little energy I have right now just to ignore it and keep truckin'.
This past weekend was spent close to home for the most part. I still need to put the last coat of paint on the backside of the garage but I'm beginnning to worry I might not get the chance if the weather doesn't hold a couple days of Indian summer somewhere in there in the next couple weeks.
Last weekend, the 27th, 28th, I went up to camp by myself. I took Mercury and Bailey and we headed up on Saturday morning cuz the weather was just beautiful. Almost 80° and sunny. It felt like the middle of July. We got up there early afternoon and I spent the afternoon working on the wheel of life and did some raking and general clean-up until about 5. I headed up to the lodge at that point and had the young lady there make me a hamburger for supper and one of her great chocolate malts for desert then it was back to camp. I spent about 3 hours playing guitar, until my fingers couldn't take it any longer and then I put on some Cheryl Wheeler and kicked back around the fire until midnight or so....
I woke up Sunday morning and overnight it'd gone from summerlike to fall like. It was cloudy with a misty rain and cool, barely 60°. I went up to the lodge for some breakfast and talked to Mark E for a bit. Had the cook make me a couple extra pancakes to take back for the dogs and then headed back to camp. I wandered around a bit, not really wanting to head home but not wanting to spend the day working in the rain either. Ultimately the weather made up my mind for me when it started to rain at a pretty good pace so I closed things up and we headed back to town.
Today was a day to mark on the calendar too I guess. After 4 or 5 months of tore up road and all the hassles that entailed we came home tonight to the first layer of pavement! woohoo. They'd been putting down sidewalks and curbs the last couple weeks so I knew we were getting close finally but now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and after 20+ year of bitching about not having sidewalk where Hopkins is vacated we now have nice white cement to walk on when heading west. Too bad the kids are all grown up now and not around to ride their bikes on it. With any luck and decent weather I'd say they'll be done this week so I'll have to get out there and get a pic or two of the nice new road and sidewalks.
Time to take a slug of O.J. and head for bed. Damn cold.
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