A Quiet Weekend At Home
For the most part....
Friday evening after work I took a cruise up to Ross Park to attend a free concert with the Oat Bran Boys, a local Bluegrass outfit. Got there about 6:30, they started playing about 7 and wrapped it up about 8:30. They weren't bad but not anything to write home about either, just your standard bluegrass fare. It was a beautiful evening though and it beat sitting at home and falling asleep on the couch.
As a postscript, a couple days later I got this pic from the promoter and lo and behold there I am in the orange shirt, sitting on the ground, right in between the bass player and the banjo player on the end! Fame is surely imminent!

I had given serious thought to going over to Grand Rapids Saturday morning for the metro cruise, but when morning rolled around I decided to snooze a bit longer and pass on the trip. I went over there last year and it was a mess trying to get around anywhere. Too many cars and too much waiting in line so I stayed home instead and ended up snoozing on and off most of the morning and afternoon. All week I'd been up late, averaging 4 hours of sleep a night and by the end of the week it's caught up with me and I end up losing the extra time I tried to bank during the week. Kinda stupid I know, It's a bad habit started long ago. At any rate I was well rested by the time the wife decided she wanted to go get dinner and so we headed off to our favorite spot these days, the Texas Roadhouse, for a steak dinner. We managed to kill an hour and a half there and had another above average meal. Afterwards we made a stop at the grocery store for some staples and then headed for home. Later on me and Bailey took a ride around town and got some ice cream. When I got back Ri and Adam had stopped over so we chatted a bit until they had to leave. Once they left that was pretty much it for the day.
Sunday morning I got up and made breakfast and after everyone had had their fill I grabbed the paint brush and scrapper and headed out to the garage. First I put the final coat on side 3 and then I put the ladder up on the backside, grabbed my scrapper and spent the next 3 hours or so getting rid of all the flaky paint. What a mess that was. By the time I had it all scrapped good enough for painting it was past 4pm so I changed clothes and headed over to home depot to get some paint, repair parts for the toilet and check out prices on windows and a door for the garage.
By the time I got back home it was time to take the kid to work so I dropped him off at Pizza Hut and then headed to Butch's for supper. Stopped at Dairy Treat for desert and then headed home to do laundry and work on website stuff. Before I knew it the wife was back home again and the weekend was pretty much shot.
This coming weekend is Labor Day weekend, already and the tentative plan is to go up to camp for at least a couple days. There's a Pow Wow going on at the Fair grounds in Hart Saturday and Sunday and I'd like to attend at least one day of the two. Other than that no big plans for the big weekend......Would love to go up to the bridge and do the bridgewalk but even if I had the finances to make the trip there isn't enough tread left on the rear tire of the bike to make the trip safely and it's a $250.00 cost to have a new tire installed so it ain't gonna happen this week. I'd love to at least get another day ride in before the season's gone but it ain't looking good right now. Maybe I'll get the van sold, that'd help.......We'll see how it goes.
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