Monday, September 22, 2008

Summertime Closes Up Shop For Another Year

According to the site today at 11:44am we cross over the line and head off into Autumn and all that entails.....
"At the autumnal equinox (Sept 22, 2008; 11:44:18 A.M. EDT), the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator, from north to south; this marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere."
Since I got home from the Wheatland experience things have been pretty quiet around here. A lack of disposal income has kept me close to home and what I attribute as my S.A.D. kicking in has kept me on the couch for long periods of time, napping the day away. It's really a crime to waste late summer days by being a sloth, but the urge to close my eyes and withdraw presents an overpowering urge at times. Almost like an out-of-the-body experience. "Things can wait, I'll do it later etc....." I hate succumbing to it but sometimes I have to defer to the wisdom of the body. At least this year I won't be crashing like I did last year. I've been staying on the meds and staying aware so that it's a manageable condition. After years of not understanding what was going on and years of denying the need to deal with it I've reached the point in life where I'm trying to do both. Hopefully doing that will make shorter days and longer nights easier to deal with.
Anyhow, with summer coming to a close in a couple hours it begs for a review of the season, but I'll spare y'all and just say that the obvious high point was of course the trip on the bike out to South Dakota. I'm still working on putting together a presentation of the pics that I'm happy with and getting close to having something to share. Over the course of the winter I hope to put up the Travels website and have the whole story with the pics online. We'll see how that project works out.
In a close 2nd place for high points would be the Wheatland weekend. I had no idea when I left Friday morning that I'd be so taken by the experience. I actually can't wait to go back again next year to enjoy that wonderful vibe again.
The rest of the summer kinda went by a day at a time. We had good weather for the most part. A lot of sunny days but very few days that it got really hot. I believe we had only 3 days that it hit the 90's this year. Weekends at the Castle and weekends doing car shows took up a fair share of the free time available.
It was a good summer overall, too short of course, but I enjoyed it as much as humanly possible. Not much else to say at this point really so I'll just say goodbye and thanks for the memories. Now, where did I put those flannel shirts??


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