Monday, April 16, 2007

A Weekend With A House Full Of People

Finally, something upbeat to write about....

I finished my first full week at the new gig Friday, got my first paycheck in a month, left there right at 5pm and headed for Applebee's to meet up with the wife, Ri and Adam and Jennette, Ryan, Jason and husband Eric. I walked in the restaurant, found my seat and then went and grabbed Ryan and started to reintroduce myself to the number one grandson. he didn't seem to have any problem sitting on my lap and coloring so that's what we did until the food arrived. After we were done dining we all headed for the homestead and spent the rest of the evening hanging out there. I played with Ryan until it was time for bed.

Saturday We had a house full. Along with the Polgar clan, Ri and Adam came down, my folks arrived about 10:30 and Tony and Gigi stopped by to see the munchkins too. After breakfast and before things got hectic me and Ryan went outside and took a walk up and down the street for awhile. We also spent some time out in the dogpen throwing the ball for them. Ryan thought that was great fun and sat on the bench, clapping his hands and belly laughing while the dogs played tug-o-war to see who'd get to bring it back so we could throw it again.

Jason and Ryan were pretty much the stars of the day and got passed around from person to person until it was time to eat. Me and Adam went over to KFC and got enough chow to feed everyone. The weather wasn't bad, but it was a bit too chilly to be grilling out hamburgers so KFC was the meal of choice. After eating we just hung out until About 4pm when the folks left for home and then about 4:30 Wanda, Jen and Eric all headed out for an evening of Bingo and left me and Ri to babysit for the evening. Ri did the bulk of the work although I tried to keep Ryan busy with walks and trips to the dogpen for more fetch. It was almost 9pm before he finally went off to bed. Everyone was back home from Bingo by 10 and by 11 the lights were out and the house was quiet.

Sunday I got up early again and made breakfast for everyone. Jennette wanted pancakes so I made a bunch for her, had some myself and made a batch of small ones for the dogs like I do most every week. After breakfast Jen packed up the kids and made a visit over to Grandma Fritchens for awhile. By the time they got back Ri and Adam had arrived and we spent the remainder of our time just hanging out and playing with the kids. Me, Jen, Eric and Ryan did go over to the Sweet shop for some Ice cream. I treated. About 3 it was time for Jen and Eric to pack up the kids and head back to Indiana. We all said our goodbyes and then they were gone. About 3:30 it was time for Wanda to head out to Bingo along with Adam and Ri who work there to help her out and earn a bit of spending money. And then all of a sudden the house was quiet and it was just me and my four legged buddies. I put on the race, closed my eyes and promptly fell asleep for a nice long 3 hour nap. It was a fast, busy two days and I guess it tired me out. Sucks getting old.

I guess that's kind of a reader's digest version of the weekend but no sense in writing a novel. I had a good time and it went by quickly........Brevity is a virture?
Besides, it's late and I'm fighting a cold. Time to call it a day after I stick a couple pics in here.



Blogger Jen said...


Tue Apr 17, 03:20:00 PM 2007  

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