Wednesday, March 15, 2006

New Beginnings

Well, today was the first day at the new job. I got there at 9:00am and filled out forms for awhile. After the paperwork was done I spent the remainder of the day hanging out with the guy that has been doing the CMM work. My understanding at this point is that I'll be taking over most of the CMM work and doing programming for the new jobs coming in along with whatever else needs to be done or whereever else I can help out.

It seems like a pretty laid back place and the folks there are friendly and seem to interact well with each other but it's a little too early to make any serious assessments. I can see that it'll have it's pluses and minuses compared to AMS...I have to punch a clock again but the up side of that is I'll actually get paid for my time.....overtime on anything over 40 hours. No more of the AMS 55 hour weeks for 40 hours pay and no thanks for the extra effort. No, I'm not bitter, just pretty disgusted with the AMS leadership and the lack of class they showed in how they handled things. I did like what I was doing there so that made it easier to put up with the little irritations.

At any rate I'm cautiously optomistic, again...and hope that the job will last for awhile this time. No telling the way things are going in this state these days how long any job is gonna last...and of course with the bird flu pandemic thing kicking into fear and panic mode soon it may be a moot point whether the job last or not.....Aw well, gotta keep a sense of humor and just keep plugging on. If I stand still I have no doubt I'll get mowed down by whatever it is that's right behind me and closing....


Blogger Jen said...

Hello. :) Where'd ya get this idea from? It's pretty awesome though and I like coming here to read about what's going on. Good idea. :) And I love the picture you have linking this from your website.

Sat Mar 18, 04:00:00 AM 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

geez, what a suck-up!
now you think he's gonna play favorites with kids? :)

now don't you think he should put up a section about grandkids along with thoughts on that?

Thu Mar 23, 01:39:00 PM 2006  

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