Monday, March 13, 2006

Blog Opening Statement we are and here we go. 1st problem to circumvent so that I could even get this far was realizing that this blog outfit doesn't care for Netscape which has been my browser of choice for the last 10 years now. So......being old but still somewhat flexible I'll be doing this over here in the Explorer Browser.

This is hopefully my last week of unemployment. I'm anticipating starting a new gig sometime later this week. I talked to the guy I interviewed with Friday, this morning and he said there was a couple details yet to work out. I'm optomistic that things will go in my favor and we can get the show back on the road again. Hopefully this gig will last longer than the last one did.....

It's a Typical Spring day in Michigan today after a night full of major thunderstorms. I stayed up until almost 4am watching them come across the Intellicast screen and stuck my head outside occasionally to watch the lightning. Today the temperature is in the high 50's....tomorrow the predicted high is 33° so no sense getting giddy just yet. Check out the Title link for a view of a Michigan weather loop in real time.

Time for me to get busy now with the house renovation and get that upstairs area wrapped up. I want this place on the market by April Fools day. :-O



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